Tuesday, April 14, 2009

poor old kenny perry

was there any doubt in your mind that kenny perry wasn't going to win the masters? a shadow of a doubt might have crept into my mine after he hit it to 3 inches on 16. but come'on, you never really felt like he was gonna win it.

chad campbell ran off the 18th green like he had a plane to catch.

anyway, i couldn't help but feel bad for kenny perry after that interview. "i guess I just...suck" ouch, don't be so rough on yourself guy. your still one of the top 20 golfers in the world i guess.

i hate the red sox. still hate the yankees more. but its close.

if i had to rank my all time most hated teams it would probably go something like.
4.oregon state
5.man united
9.odu/pesky caa team trying to thwart vcu/u of r
10.someone i forgot?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

C-league, opening day/night

Some scattered thoughts.
Marcos Senna is a force. Villareal are a nice team, but Joseba Llorente? that's the best you can do? they need a top striker to push them into the realm of the elite. Maybe someone like Drogbaaaaa. yuck.

Man U? slipping up now of all times. how unlike them. i couldn't feel less sorry for them either.

Bayern barca should be a great game. And unless you're a liverpool or chelsea fan, I don't see how anyone in their right mind would willingly watch that snoozefest over the aforementioned, you'd have to be some kind of a masochist. chelsea aren't everton, but they're damn close.

Its nice to have baseball back.