Monday, August 17, 2009

whats with the initials

I'll bet it doesnt say Y.E. on his birth certificate. Not that he gives a shit, but its pretty bad that we'll just go ahead and give everyone Ji Hoon or Yin Yang an Ellis Islandesque americanization. Its not really a big deal, and yeah Y.E. is easier for us linguistically challenged to say, but the worst part is that i bet 99% of the people watching the PGA didnt even think twice about the guys name, and how it wasn't just two letters, he's not an outlaw or a cartoon character.

In baseball news, it looks like spending 450 million gazillion dollars does help, and it will get you to the post season after all. SO NOW YOU KNOW!

And I'm not the biggest Simmons fan, he can be a little too ______, help me out, nerdy at times? but everyone should read this article, and kudos for ESPN pushing US Soccer relativley hard lately

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